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Gnosis has many album entries for which we do not know the year of release or the country that the artist is from. If you know any of these or if you feel inclined to help us by researching them, fill in the appropriate information and send it to us. We ask that you do not use any singular source for your information (especially AMG), unless it is the original release or some other definitive source.

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Year(Pabellon) Orlando & Orquesta InnovacionOrlando & Orquesta Innovacion
Year0.720 Aleacion0.720 Aleacion (MC)
YearA.P.M.S (Alfred Paul Mama Sçhall)In Perspective
YearAbdelal, B / G Basil / M. El-Berjaway / C. DarwishIntroduction to Instrumental Arabic Music
YearAbranis, LesImete Tayrri
YearAde, Sunny and His African BeatsVol.7
YearAdepoju, LanrewajuAye Pe Meji
YearAfrican BrothersHave African Feeling
YearAfrican BrothersAbortion
YearAfrican BrothersAmpadu Boateng Dammirifua
YearAgawagi African MusiciansMusic of Africa
YearAgemSekunda (MC)
YearAhora Que Me Alejo...Ahora Que Me Alejo...
YearAl-Amin, MohamedLearn from the Days
YearAlba, Rafael de / Orquesta Radames Reyes AlfauQuiero
YearAlberti, Prof. Luis y su Orquesta Santa CeciliaLuna Sobre el Jaragua
YearAlebrijesThe Deep and Mysterious Andean Music
YearAlers, Rafael / OrquestaDanzas, Vol. 6
YearAlessandroni, AlessandroE il Suo Complesso
YearAlessandroni, AlessandroInchiesta
YearAlessandroni, AlessandroRomance and Drama (MC)
YearAlfaro, XiomaraLa Inimitable
YearAlmanhavenEndemondocesidure (EP)
YearAlphonso Et Son OrchestrePunch En Musique
YearAmber FiresReunion
YearAn Die Wand RanAn Die Wand Ran
YearAnaxas NovusForget (EP)
YearAnderson, Scotty2nd Time Around
YearAndrews, CatherineFruitition
YearAndrews, HarveyPG
YearAneudi y El Conjunto QuisqueyaA Bailar La Toita
YearAnimasawun, Apola King Idowu / Lisabi Bros. BandThe Extra Ordinary Sound of Apola
YearArcaño y Sus MaravillasComo Bailaba Cuba, Volumen 1
YearAric, NizamettinDaye
YearArnovahTransparency (MC)
invCountryArrowHot Hot Hot
invCountryArrowSoca Dance Party
YearArt ZoydLes Trois Mousquetaires (44 1/2 disc 11)
YearArtemiev, EduardMetamorphoses
YearArturos, Arturo and the Cha Cha Rhythm BoysRumba Rhapsody
YearAsikoTake a Trip with Asiko
YearAssila, AhmedThe Feast of Achoura
invCountryAsterisksSoca Fusion
YearAtavism of TwilightLive at Avery
YearAtking, Ted / Alain Feanch / Cecil WaryScoop
YearAtkins, Ted and His OrchestraPop Music for Dancing
YearAudrey LimpetClothes Disarster (MC)
YearAustin, SteveMusic from the Withered Orange Tree (MC)
YearBad Street Boys, The / Los AmigosCheek to Cheek (Pegaito)
YearBajedoub, Hadj Mohamed (Bajeddoub)Bouchra Lana
YearBaldewsingh, D.Haryari
YearBanerjee, Nikhil / Anindo ChatterjeeRaag Shree - Live Concert Series 2
YearBarbe, DanielDestination
YearBarbeau, YvonYvon Barbeau
YearBarigozzi, Giancarlo / GroupDancing Party
YearBarigozzi, Giancarlo / GroupRock in The Air
YearBarrios, LuchoEl Internacional: El Embajador del Bolero
YearBasie, Count1 O'Clock Jump (live)
YearBasilio, Ivan & I.Sergowa8000 Volts
YearBatalia Bob JuniorAlo Bahia
YearBeausoleil, BobbyMantra
YearBeckers, G.B. & FriendsColours (Instead of Paintings)
invCountryBecket / Asterisks10th Anniversary
YearBehroozinia, HosseinKoohestan
YearBehroozinia, HosseinYadestan
YearBen Jilali, OmarNight in the Casbah
YearBender, Pete 'Wyoming'Live in the Folkpub Berlin
YearBene Gesserit and UswardSecret Mind Postal Project (MC)
YearBenjamin-S. / D'StrangersKompor Meleduk
YearBernard, MicheleLe Kiosque
YearBertoia, HarryAll and More / Passage
YearBertoia, HarryContinuum / Near and Far
YearBertoia, HarryEnergizing / Mellow Tops
YearBertoia, HarryGong Gong / Elemental
YearBertoia, HarryHere and Now
YearBertoia, HarryOcean Mysteries / Softly Played
YearBertoia, HarrySpace Voyage / Echoes of Other Times
YearBertoia, HarrySwift Sounds / Phosphorescence
YearBertoia, HarrySwinging Bars / Vulcans Play
YearBhattacharya, DebashishReflection of Love
YearBillo's Caracas BoysMerengues Modernos para la Juventud
YearBilo y Sus TipicosLa Chiva Blanca de Don Jose
YearBimbi y Su Trio OrientalEl Tira y Jala
YearBlack Unity TrioAl Fatihah
YearBlackfoot, TheThe Foot Steps
YearBlaga PetreskaNajdobroto Od
YearBloch, AugustynUnusual Sounds Vol. 1 - Reflections
YearBloch, AugustynUnusual Sounds Vol. 2 - The Brain
YearBlons, DidierEn Toute Liberté
YearBlue SunshineBlue Sunshine
YearBlum, GerhardtMusik in Zwölf Apostel
YearBoiteaux, LucienExistence Is Proof
YearBokelo, JohnnyA.S. Biliman
YearBongo-RockersIncredible Bongo-Rock
YearBoria, Juan / Rafael Cepeda y Sus BomberosQue Negrota!
YearBorisov, Alexei / Jeff SurakCollaboration
YearBorstlap, MichielTrio / White House / Big Band
YearBoyce, Tommy and Bobby HartIt's All Happening on the Inside
YearBoyer, Guy / Guy PedersenImages
YearBraintticketThe Vintage Anthology 1971-1980 (Bonus Tracks - Historical Recordings)
YearBramblett, RandallVisionary School (MC)
YearBRF Studio GroupMusical Fantasy No. 1
YearBrock & FriendsCoffeehouse
YearBrown, Errol & the Sky Nations BandMedley Dub
YearBulos, Afif Alvarez / EnsembleAn Introduction to the Music of the Near East
YearBum KonBum Kon
YearBun Hunga (Roland Thyssen)Hits Hits Hits (In Stereo)
YearBurrowes, Roy / Clifford Jordan / Charles DavisReggae Au Go Jazz
YearBush y Sus MagnificosAhora Traigo el Melao
YearCabildosCross Fire
YearCalzado, Ruddy (Rudy), and his CharangaPachanga Time
YearCampbell, NeilExecutive Silk Lips (MC)
YearCanadian ConspiracyCanadian Conspiracy
YearCanario y Su GrupoPlenas
YearCap, EtienneTrumpet Trip
YearCap, Etienne / Karel Krautgartner Big BandOrchester Etienne Cap / Karel Krautgartner Big Band
YearCaptain AfriyieYe Re Bre
YearCaraibe Jazz EnsembleSon Epi Coule
YearCardenas, AlAl Cardenas y Su Jala Jala
YearCasa, DanielaArte Moderna
YearCasa, DanielaSocieta Malata
YearCasildo y Sus VillanosLa Franfura
YearCasildo y Sus VillanosLa Inyeccion de Peña
YearCasildo y Sus VillanosMe Chupa La Caña
YearCastro, Henry & La UniversalMuevete
YearCelina y Reutilio / Gina MartinFiesta Santera, Vol. 2
YearChac MoolTestimonial
YearChadbourne, EugeneInvitation to a Jam (MC)
YearChappell, Gene and LynnChappell Time
YearCharlie & Jim / DuoCharlie & Jim Duo
YearChiti, Gian Paolo / Sergio MontoriRisoluzioni Sonore
YearChocolate PaintboxIt Came to Me in a Dream
YearChoukeir, SamihAla al-Ayam
YearChoukeir, SamihWaka' khotana
YearCircus AroundCircus Around
YearCJAMetalwork (EP)
YearClaudric, JeanGénériquement Votre (IML 07)
YearClerval, Marie-ClaudeFolk aux Champs
YearClothildeFallait pas écraser la queue du chat (EP)
YearClothildeSaperlipopette (EP)
YearCloud, RustyKaruna
YearCloverIn Clover
YearClystereDaemoni Etiam Dicenti, Non Est Credenum (MC)
YearCM4 (Olivier Clerc/ Pierre Francois Massy Quartet)CM4
YearCoffeeDestination Moon
YearCohran, Philip / Artistic Heritage EnsembleBlack Beauty (EP)
YearCohran, Philip / Artistic Heritage EnsembleLoud Mouth (EP)
YearCohran, Philip / Artistic Heritage EnsembleSingles
YearColeman BogeyColeman Bogey (EP)
YearConcepción, César / OrchestraThe Great Band Themes Go Latin
YearConjunto BarrocoSalsa, Ritmo y Sabor con Barroco
YearConjunto Los LatinosDe Nuevo Los Latinos
YearConjunto RumbavanaMi Son Por El Mundo
YearConjunto Tipico CibaeñoMerengues
YearConrad, Jeff / ProjectMirage
YearCoqueros de Borinquen, Los / Angel AlvarezTrullas de Borinquen
YearCoronado, FlorencioBajo el Cielo del Peru
YearCorozo / Pepito / Juanchin Santana /Miguel MirandaDanzas Inolvidables
YearCortes, Serafin y Su OrquestaSerafin Cortes y Su Orquesta
YearCorviriaPsyco Analysis
YearCosma, VladimirVol. 37 (Patchwork Library)
YearCotto, Joe y Su Super Orquesta¡Qué Pollo!
YearCraicstoneA Creative Mix With Ancient Echoes (EP)
YearCrazy DuckBreakdown Minor Special
YearCriales, Toño / Y Su SolistasRitmo Fascinante
YearCroinersIntrospective Retrospective Vol. 1 (MC)
YearCroinersMusic To Listen To Other Tapes By (MC)
YearCrudup, Arthur 'Big Boy'Super Black Blues Vol. 4
YearCuarteto CedronLe Chant Du Coq
YearCultier, MariusZouk
invCountryCyrus, Alston BecketGal Ah Rush Me
invCountryCyrus, Alston BecketGoing to... Come
YearD'Andrea, Oswald12 Divertissements pour Piano
YearDadaRapa Nui (Earthsongs)
YearDafalla, Mohammed BuraiThe Music of Sudan
YearDague, Françoise / Ballets Occitans de ToulouseAu Pays d'Occitanie
YearDague, Françoise / Ballets Occitans de ToulouseAu Pays d'Occitanie Vol. 2
YearDallas Jazz OrchestraMorning Glory
YearDalton, GerardS'eta Oen Fwa
YearDamião Experiênça69
YearDaminhão Experiênça / Planeta LammaCemiterio Nazismo
YearDancing ChromosomesKleine Gelbe Tierchen (MC)
YearDavid, JeanChir Hachirim Cantique des Cantiques
YearDaybreak CircleBefore Time (EP)
YearDe Filippi, OronzoMeccanizzazione
YearDe Gracia, Jorge y Su Impacto 71Impacto 71
YearDe Jesus, Jaime y su Cuarteto Alma AlegreEl Plenero
YearDeath Pact InternationalPeace Through Surperior Firepower (MC)
YearDebard, GérardMa Joie
YearDeclercq, Claude et le Folk ParisienLe Gibier a Toujours sa Chance
YearDeclercq, Claude et le Folk ParisienLa Fille de la Rue
YearDeczi, LacoCellula / New York
YearDede, Amakye and his Apollo High Kings Band Int.Yeyi Wo Baabia Ko Baabi
YearDee, Ellis & The DansEllis Dee & The Dans
YearDelgado, Pepe y Su ComboLatin Jam Session
YearDenny, MartinExotic Moog
YearDes Joncs, Guy / Guido GiovagnoliTop Instrumental Music
YearDiambouana, David 'Féfé'Féfé
YearDiambouana, David 'Féfé'Mama Cathie
YearDicko, Ibrahim Hamma / Mali StarsIbrahim Hamma Dicko
YearDidaktische EinheitDosis 6 (MC)
YearDie Trip Computer DieAbyss (CDR)
YearDie Trip Computer DieShorter Circuits (CDR)
YearDie Wand AnInnsbruck
YearDierKetters (EP)(MC)
YearDimitras, Yiannis and Maria KatiraErana
YearDisco BlazeJump Back
YearDjango Mango / Ketut SuwentraBali Meets Africa and Java
YearDjasbaAntoinette a Steammachine Driving Woman
YearDjimmy, Ferry and His Dji-KinsRhythm Revolution
YearDominica (Leandro Roque)Por Eso Estamos Como Estamos
YearDon Santiago y Su Conjunto CibaeñoMerengues
YearDoppiomaltoDoppiomalto (MC)
YearDoubling Riders, TheThe World !
YearDoyen, Jacques & Jacques LasryPoèmes dits par Jacques Doyen
YearDrake, MollyMolly Drake
YearDredd FooleBlues Sermon with Congregation #1 (EP,CDR)
YearDredd FooleBlues Sermon with Congregation #2 (EP,CDR)
YearDredd FooleBlues Sermon with Congregation #3 (EP,CDR)
YearDredd FooleBlues Sermon with Congregation #4 (EP,CDR)
YearDredd FooleBlues Sermon with Congregation #5 (EP,CDR)
YearDriver, EddyAl'orgue Hammond
YearDromDemo (EP)
YearDub AddxxDub to the Truthseekers
YearDulzaides, Felipe / Quinteto / OrquestaAs Time Goes By
YearDulzaides, Felipe y Los ArmónicosFelipe Dulzaides y Los Armónicos
YearDundursReiz Agra Rita Izgajam
YearDuneLes Chien de Dunes
YearDunne, GayleIt's So Nice
YearDutour, Pierre et son OrchestreDance and Mood Music, Vol. 13
YearDutour, Pierre et son OrchestreDance and Mood Music, Vol. 19
YearDutour, Pierre et son OrchestreDance and Mood Music, Vol. 21
YearDutour, Pierre et son OrchestreDance and Mood Music, Vol. 9
YearDuvall, Richie & Dog TruckRichie Duvall & Dog Truck
YearDuvelle, JacquesL'Enfant-Musique
YearE K's BandMadi Amia
YearEarthen Vessel (2)Folk Group
invCountryEddie and the MovementsJamband Style
invCountryEddie and the MovementsLegal
YearEddin, Nasir /Mohammed Ben-Ahmed, Bagdad TribesmenEast of Suez
YearEffervescent ElephantsAnother Summer of Grass (MC)
YearEffervescent ElephantsIndian Corn Expansions (MC)
YearElbaz, GillesGilles Elbaz
YearElliott, Mike / TrioAtrio
YearEmpire Des Sons, L'L'Empire Des Sons
YearEnfasisEnfasis (MC)
YearEnsemble ZaporogMusique Traditionnelle de Russie
YearErdmann, Helmut W. & Heinz W. BurowImaginations 1
YearErtunc, Huseyin TrioMusiki
YearErvinna & The StylersErvinna & The Stylers (White Cloud EALP-128)
YearEstrellas de ChocolateMi Son Pilon
YearEwen, PatrikKer Ys
YearExciting Uptight BandYoung A Go-Go
YearExile OneBeaucoup d'Gaz à Bo
YearExile OneExile One (Music is Revolution)
YearFabriek, DeEnz, Enz,,, (MC)
YearFabriek, DeMusic for Zelftapers A (MC)
YearFabriek, DeMusic for Zelftapers B (MC)
YearFair Isle Folk, TheThe Fishermans Rebellion
YearFairuz / Wadi Al Safi / Nasri Shamsedine / RahbaniOriental Evening (Sahret El Hub)
YearFamilia Santa Garchia, LaGrupo Santagarchia
YearFather Yod and the Spirit of '76In Praise of Our Father - Yodship Suite 3 (1 sided LP)
YearFeanch, Alan / Mike Baroty / Dan SeepersInseguimento Notte Moderno
YearFelder, ThomasI Hoa D Naas So Gschdricha Vool
YearFelder, ThomasO
YearFelder, WiltonBullitt
YearFeliciano, Francisco / Teresa A. MotaSodom y Gomorra
YearFête Et PrièreVous Invite à Sa Table
YearFèvre, BernardCosmos 2043
YearFictionOver Drive (MC)
YearFictionSome Acts of Political Education (MC)
YearFictionThe Last Dream of Phoebe Zeitgeist (MC)
YearFiddy, John / Otto SiebenPastoral Scenes and Underscores
YearFigueroa, WilfredoMr. Escandalo
YearFit & Limo / StratisIm Blickpunkt (MC)
YearFlameInflammable (EP)
YearFlores, Isidro y Su Conjunto Tipico / Don SantiagoComo la Piña
YearFlores, Pedro / CuartetoDulce y Sabrosa
YearFoucher, LucBeaucoup de Soleils
YearFountain, Gill and the Midnight GrooversPa Moli
YearFrame, Linda JeanI Am the Wind
YearFramond, EricAberration
YearFramond, EricMusique a Show
YearFramond, EricNow and Tomorrow
YearFramond, EricPuzzle
YearFramond, EricUnivers 2000
YearFrankensteins BalletFrankensteins Ballet
YearFränki / Heinz / Ralf (TTT)Le Mur De Saint Etienne
YearFranklin, KellyKelly Franklin
YearFree DirtRough Mixes
YearFreedomSwingin Prayers
YearFreedom PowerFreedom Power (CEM CMT4)
YearFreek JohnsonFreek Johnson
YearFriderickos, SteliosPurple in Blue
YearFrigo, John / Gus GiordanoAfro-American Jazz Rhythms
YearFrigo, JohnnyAfro-American Jazz Dance
YearFrigo, JohnnyCollected Works (196?-197?)
YearFripp, RobertBlasts and Blasms: Sessions, Jams And Rehearsals (Exposures disc 30)
YearFripp, RobertMore Blasts, More Blasms: Sessions, Jams And Rehearsals (Exposures disc 31)
YearFripp, RobertResplendent in Divergence
YearFrydayVery Friendly
YearFulton, De Wayne / Lance PhillipsThe Best of Broadway
YearGaburo, KennethMusic For Voices, Instruments & Electronic Sounds
YearGalán, Pacho y Su OrquestaMerecumbe en Cartagena
YearGalán, Pacho y Sus SolistasPrende la Vela
YearGallardo, Ramon y Su ComboEl Picaflor en New York
YearGallardo, Ramon y Su ComboQuitibambara
YearGallardo, Ramon y Su ComboRamon Gallardo y Su Combo
YearGallois, OlivierNocturnes Pour Un Sax
YearGalvodeux, LesFest Noz
YearGame of the CloudsJoker's Nr. 10
YearGarden, Bill / SetThe Bill Garden Set Meets Sexy Susans' Line
YearGarland, HankJazz in New York
YearGarland, HankLive at the Carousel
YearGarrison, MichaelAurora Dawn
YearGarrison, MichaelTranquility Cove
YearGauthier, ChristianSine Qua Non
YearGeins't NaitA Consommer Sans Modération (MC)
YearGenty, AlainLa Couleur Du Milleu
YearGeorgio / The Heaven BluesRythm and Blues, vol. 10
YearGeraissati, Andre / Egberto GismontiMusica Viva
YearGESMBHPink mother
YearGhazala, Q.R.Voice of America (MC)
YearGhost, Eric E.Ghost Plays For Mr. S
YearGiardino Dei Miei Desideri, IlIl Giardino Dei Miei Desideri
YearGilson, Jef / MalagasyColchiques Dans Les Pres
YearGilson, Jef / MalagasyLes Touches Noires
YearGiordano, JackyThe Jacky Giordano Organ
YearGiordano, Jacky / Yan TreggerSchifters
YearGlenmorHommage a Morvan Lebesque
YearGMTGMT (L'Ours)
YearGnadenloser PaarungstriebGnadenloser Paarungstrieb
YearGodding, BrianKebab ala' Twang
YearGodding, BrianThe Colour of Sound..
YearGolpayegani, AkbarPeyvande Rooh
YearGonet, MichelEve for Ever
YearGonet, MichelSO4H2
YearGonzalez, Danny y Su Orquesta SensacionalDanny Gonzalez y Su Orquesta Sensacional
YearGraal, ThierryLes Vagabonds De L'Histoire
YearGrall, XavierLa Sone des Pluies et des Tombes
YearGrand, Rene y Su Combo New YorkExciting and Grand
YearGreene, KellieKellie Greene & Co.
YearGres, IExotic Themes for Films Radio and TV
YearGrind OrchestraSo Wap
YearGroup 1850More Purple Sky 1
YearGroup 1850More Purple Sky 2
YearGroupe NaissanceEntre Tes Mains
YearGroupe NaissancePour Tisser Le Temps
YearGubaidulina, SofiaThe Complete Piano Music
YearGuerre, Michel et PhilippeSi Tu Voulais
YearGuillannuMusique du Fond des Ages
YearGuillannuIl Est Pourtant un Pays
YearGuinia, MahmoudMahmoud Guinia (TCK 1232) (MC)
YearGuinness CassanovasRebirth
YearGulezyan, H. AramExotic Music for the Oud
YearGurnemanzLive and Rare
YearGwangwa, Jonas / African ExplosionWho? (Ngubani)
YearGwernig, YouennE Kreiz an Noz
YearGwernig, YouennYouenn Gwernig
YearGypsies de Petion Ville, LesResurrection - Haiti Album V
YearHadji-Lazaro, FrançoisLe Folk Est Dans L'Ecole
YearHafez, Abdel HalimKariat Al-Fengan
YearHafez, Abdel HalimRisala min taht al-maa
YearHallelujah Chicken Run BandTake One
YearHamana, Bruce /Butchamana & Big Bang Brothers BandIndian Dream
YearHanson, StenText-Sound Compositions
YearHardin & YorkLive in the 70s
YearHarmony in DiversityWhat Is This?
YearHarvey, RichardNifty Digits
YearHasardEmbarque Si Ca T'Tente
YearHaykoHayko Taverna'da
YearHeat WavesTropical Passion
YearHeaven Blues, TheHeaven Blues
YearHeinz Funk Electronic ComboMoog Synthesizer Music
YearHenderson, Rev. ClarenceLord Lubricate My Bones
YearHerba RockRozpal To Ve Me (CD-R)
YearHermanos PalazioMusica Tipica Nicaraguense, Vol. 4
YearHernandez, Mario / Diablos del CaribeA Bailar y Gozar
YearHertzog, Geroges & Eugène MaegeyDanses Traditionnelles d'Alsace
YearHiroshige, JojoQuiet!
YearHoroya Band NationalHoroya Band National
YearHovde, Rieber / Howard Roberts / Ed ThigpenOrganic Sounds
YearHurdie Gurdies, TheBy Request
YearIacoucci, G.Symbolisme Psychedelique
YearIbrahimova, YildizThe Girl with Lovely Eyes
YearIceplantsDone by the Iceplants (EP)
YearIchthusUn Ami, Un Frere
YearIdeal Gus, TheNo Ballheads
YearIfukube, AkiraSinfonia Tapkaara / Ritmica Ostinata / Symphonic Fantasia No. 1
YearIleva, Vaska / Koce Petrovski / Stevo TeodosievskiThe Songs and Dances of Macedonia
YearIlilonga, RikkiSoweto
YearImpossibles, TheThe Impossibles (P.M. 025)
YearImpossibles, TheThe Impossibles (SIP 007)
YearIndividuals, The (2)Trauma
YearInfernal AriesInfernal Aries
YearInner CityInner City
YearInner DialogueFriend
YearInner VisionInner Vision
YearInstitut Fur Psycho-Hygiene / Eb.ErLieder Zur Analytischen Selbstverkruppelung
YearInteraccionInteraccion (MC)
YearIrene, Christina, Rut-MariJesus Är Vägen Sanningen Och Livet
YearIsauro / Al GreyJam Session Goes Latino
YearIshikawa, Akira / Trio & R&B All StarsSoul Session
YearIshola, Haruna / Apala GroupHaruna Ishola and his Apala Group
YearIvo's GroupIvo's Group (PLL-1010)
YearIzu, KazuhikoDomu
invCountryIZZCollapse the Wave
YearJ. & Slow MotionYou Win, You Lose (EP)
YearJackson, Art / AtrocityGout
YearJackson, Mike / The Soul ProvidersThe Revenge of Mister Mopoji
YearJaggers, ReggieOld Friend
YearJamal, KhanDrum Dance to the Motherland
YearJanka, KojoNumber One
YearJasis (Milt Simons)Spontaneous Improvisation
YearJawara, Jali MusaCimakan
YearJawara, Jali MusaJali Musa Jawara
YearJayaraman, Lalgudi G.Tillanas and Selected Kritis
YearJayaraman, Lalgudi G.Violin Virtuoso
YearJazz Symphonics, TheThe Beginning
YearJil JilalaJil Jilala (ESD 303) (MC)
YearJilguero, El (Inocencio Iznaga)Ja Ja Ja...
YearJimenez, Porfi y su OrquestaPata-Pata con ¡Porfi! (aka Quinceañera aka Bailando en el Tropico)
YearJohn's ChildrenJagged Time Lapse
YearJohnson, HaroldWide Open
YearJohnson, Harold / Sextet PlusHouse on Elm Street
YearJohnson, LamontSun, Moon & Stars
YearJongleurs, LesCanti e Balli Medioevali
YearJosiah, MosesThrough It All: Moses Josiah and his Musical Saw
YearJukesTähtikartta (EP)
YearJulian y Su Combo Sabor (aka Julian y Su Banda)A Buenaventura (aka Descarga Salsa Y Boogaloo)
YearJumboBigger and Better!
YearJust UsPeace on Earth
YearKabaréorkesternKabaréorkestern (Progglådan Box D, disc 4)
YearKabra, Brij Bhushan / Rais KhanSitar Guitar Duet
YearKabra, Brij Bhushan / Shivkumar SharmaSantoor & Guitar
YearKabra, Brij Bhushan / Zakir HussainRagas Shuddha Kalyan & Kafi
YearKabra, Brij Bhushan / Zakir Hussain/Taufiq QureshiGuitar (Ahir Bhairav / Dhun)
YearKadwaladyrNo Man's Land (MC)
YearKalaff, Luis / Miguel SantanaThe Merengue Ambassador
YearKalaff, Luis y Sus Alegres DominicanosFestival de Merengues
YearKama SutraMechanical Earthquake
YearKan, AlainParfums de Nuit
YearKarakorumThe Gate of Thought
YearKekedjian, AraArmenian Keif Time
YearKendall, RichFood for Thought
YearKenkulian, Udi HrantUdi Hrant Kenkulian
YearKerguiduffChansons en Vrac
YearKerguiduffChante Tristan Corbière
YearKhan, Ustad BismillahShenai Ki Bahaar
YearKhan, Vilayat / Bismillah KhanA Rare Jugalbandi
YearKhan, Vilayat / Bismillah KhanDuets From India
YearKhorshid, OmarRhythms from the Orient, Vol.2
YearKing, Henry / OrchestraRhumba Favorites
YearKingsley, GershonShabbat of the Seventies - Rock of Israel
YearKingsley, GershonSim Shalom - Jazz Rock Service
YearKlimpereiQui a Vote Le Gros Caillou? (MC)
YearKobdas, LosEn New York
YearKoeswoyo, ChichaLagu Anak Anak
YearKomariah, EuisMega Beureum (MC)
YearKompanek, Sonny / TrioEaster Pie
YearKoncz, Csaba (Chobo)2: Siddhartha (MC)
YearKoniec plus Big Ensemble Taller De MusicsAd Livingstone
YearKorai ÖrömLive (MC)
YearKounkou, Théo BlaiseCélia
YearKounkou, Théo BlaiseÇa c'est la vie
YearKriegel, Volker / LeafVolker Kriegel & The Groove-Combination / Leaf
YearKroazhentAvance Rapide
YearKurtzweylEine Gute Kurtzweyl Ist Mir Das
YearKytes, TheThe Kytes
YearL.S.G.V.D.A.Letzte Skiffle-Group Vor Der Autobahn
YearLa'Serie, RolandoYo Bailo Boogaloo
YearLam, Ngoc / Que LamMekong River
YearLand of the BlindOne Eye
YearLarson, Claude (aka Klaus Netzle)High-Tech - The Digital Sound of Claude Larson
YearLarson, Claude (aka Klaus Netzle)Industrial Future
YearLarson, Claude (aka Klaus Netzle)Plantlife
YearLarson, Claude (aka Klaus Netzle)Scenes and Images: Developing Underlays Vol. 1
YearLasry, Teddy / S.Prisset / J.C.Solal / J.C.DeblaisFlutissimo (Patchwork Library Recording 19)
YearLaure, Mike y Sus CometasAl Ritmo de Mike Laure y Sus Cometas
YearLaure, Mike y Sus CometasMike Laure y Sus Cometas (Musart 1537)
YearLaure, Mike y Sus CometasSiguiendo el Ritmo de Mike Laure y Sus Cometas
YearLaurent, Steve & Pierre DuclosOndes Martenot
YearLea y DomingoJalousie
YearLee, ChangA Day at the Races With Chang Lee
YearLee, Chubby / Wild CountryChubby Lee and Wild Country
YearLegare, ClaudeLegend Qui Vit Le Jour, Dans Un P'Tit Pain
YearLeijatSilta (EP)
YearLevecque, Gérard and Claude RomatAfricadelic's the Name, Vol. 1
YearLevecque, Gérard and Claude RomatAfricadelic's the Name, Vol. 2
YearLifebludBe Thou My Very Armour
YearLignanzi, LeaDédé Priscilla
invCountryLignanzi, Lea / Domingo SalseroJalousie
YearLignanzi, Lea / Domingo SalseroJalousie
YearLincoln Street ExitLincoln Street Exit (EP)
YearLion's DenLion's Den
YearLite StormGod Is Love
YearLiving WaterI
YearLokomotiv S.S.Lokomotiv S.S. (MC)
YearLopez, Belisario / OrchestraDanzones
YearLopez, Sonia y Sus EstrellasSonia Lopez (La de Puerto Rico) y Sus Estrellas
YearLorgere, Jean-MichelHomere Instrumental - Serie n.1 (HO 5013)
YearLorgere, Jean-MichelHomere Instrumental - Serie n.2 (HO 5014)
YearLost and Found, The (2)The Son of God
YearLouyot, YvesYves Louyot
YearLucet, MichelEusébe
YearLuciani, A. Riccardo / Marco MelchioriInchiesta Sul Mezzogiorno
YearLudwig, GeneOrgan Out Loud (aka The Hot Organ)
YearLuna SetArt
YearLyke WakeThe Long Last Dream (MC)
YearLyrik & MusikLyrik & Musik
YearLyyran TähtikuvioKalevala Pop
YearM.B. (Maurizio Bianchi)I.B.M. (mc)
YearMaasakkers, Gerard vanVur de Wind
YearMacari, EblenUn Producto de los Sesentas
YearMacchi, EgistoBioritmi
YearMacchi, EgistoFuturissimo
YearMacLise, AngusAstral Collapse
YearMadden, PatPat Madden
YearMade In Brasil / Victor MNosso Segundo Disco
YearMagic Sound CelebrationImaginary World
YearMaguire, SeanSean Maguire
YearMaitoGhenghis Khan
YearMalinga, Joe / Southern African ForceSandile
YearManet, PatrickRue De La Cour Des Aides
YearMann, Larry / The TrioLive at the Oceanfront
YearMansiamina, Bopol & BesisimouMaillot Jaune
YearManuel, Carlos & OrquestaEl Zafiro (El Aumento)
YearMao Tse HelenMaize
YearMarch MaggotClosing Time (EP)
YearMarchant, Jean PaulLe Silence
YearMarchant, Jean PaulLe Tisserand
YearMarcotte, MarionFavorite Cajun Tales
YearMarrero, RaulQue Alegria
YearMassingue, VirgilioDiapasao
YearMaster Mwana-CongoBrigitte
YearMaster Mwana-CongoKounkou Ignace
YearMaster Mwana-CongoNew-Style
YearMasters, TerryThesaurus
YearMatarPlays His Magic Bozouki
YearMathews, IkePop Guitar Sketches
YearMayosMuana Ngombo
YearMazur, Marilyn / Harry Beckett / Chris McGregorGrandmothers Teaching
YearMazza, GianniSpazio
YearMcCook, TommyReggay at its Best
YearMcDuff, Roger / Vaughn McDuffHe Believes in Me
YearMedardo, Don y Sus PlayersEn Colombia
YearMekjian, Eddie / EnsembleBelly Dance Music from the Middle East
YearMelchiori, Marco / A. Riccardo LucianiAspetti Della Natura
YearMelendez, Willy y Su Gran OrquestaWilly Melendez y Su Gran Orquesta
YearMelendez, Willy y Su OrquestaInteligencia o Nada
YearMemories and PainLive
YearMerceron, GéraldModern Jazz Compositions Ffrom Haïti
YearMergia, Hailu and the WaliasTche Belew
YearMGMLa Tete Ailleurs
YearMGMLa Tete Ailleurs 2
YearMichel, Jean-ChristianRequiem
YearMilian, JerzyOrkiestra Rozrywkowa
YearMinamoLive! (CDR)
YearMiriam Little StarKha Khong Mek (Raem Dara Noi)
YearMitrokhin EnsembleMuzika Diskoklubos
YearMlehst / Runzelstirn & GurgelstockMlehst / Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock split L.P.
YearMnat Azawan with Mohammad BounaniSahara Blues (MC)
YearModemVital Forces
YearModulated EnvelopeGreatest Shits
YearMolina, AnicetoExitos de Aniceto Molina: La Comadre
YearMomosEt Ses Complices (EP)
YearMonkThrough An Electric Glass Darkly
YearMonsieur DuboisBlueBeatz
YearMoonGakugeikai No Yoru
YearMoore, Sylvia & Bernard BroereWindows on the World
YearMoralesPlays Latin Favorites
YearMorales, Tito and His OrchestraCha, Cha, Cha
YearMorán, ChiloLos 5 Megatones
YearMorán, ChiloRock en Mexico
YearMorange, Jean-FrancoisOdyssée pour Laetitia
YearMoreau, JackyLes Riches Heures de Jacky d'Amboise
YearMorgan, Nate / Geoff Littleton / Fritz WiseLive in Santa Barbara
YearMotion, Denny / GroupSmall Talk
YearMouangue / Kante Faceli / Keita FodebaThe Voices and Drums of Africa
YearMounk'a, PameloL'Amour Et La Danse
YearMpfumo, FanyNyoxanini
YearMrs MellowMrs Mellow (EP)
YearMuffty Scare-ChaunThe Beggar's Holyday
YearMüller, Werner and his OrchestraStrings on Fire
YearMüller, Werner and his OrchestraGypsy!
YearMüller, Werner and his OrchestraSpectacular Tangos
YearMulletproofIdeal Symmetry (EP)
YearMuñiz, Marco AntonioNavidades en Puerto Rico
YearMuñoz, AvelinoA Bailar con Avelino Muñoz, Su Piano y Su Ritmo
YearMushroom GodsCossack
YearMushroom GodsDegauss
YearMushroom GodsFarger
YearMusical Messengers, TheMeet the Musical Messengers
YearMutiara, Umay & The Jugala GroupHayang Deui
YearMuziekkamerI: Kamermuziek (MC)
YearMuziekkamerIII: Filmmuziek (MC)
YearMuziekkamerOp Zee (MC)
YearMystery Plane, TheThe Mystery Plane
YearNarwalNirvana 1 (MC)
YearNarwalNirvana 2 (MC)
YearNarwalNirvana 3 (MC)
YearNarwalNirvana 4 (MC)
YearNarwalNirvana 6: De Dood / Het Leven (MC)
YearNeciosup, German Y Su OrquestaCasamiento ...No!
YearNelson, HermanSongs from the Catalog of Sonosong Music Company
YearNeumann, JohannesCultural Noise
YearNew Horizon, The & Danny MackThe New Horizon with Danny Mack
YearNew SeasonNew Season
YearNewton, JamesFlute Music
YearNicolai, BrunoTutti i Colori del Buio (library music)
YearNikolaidis, NinoTurkish Arrangements
YearNilovic, JankoSweet Colours
YearNimrod's Folk GroupNimrod's Folk Group
YearNo AidNo Aid (MC)
YearNo-Neck Blues BandFuramingo Josei
YearNon-EffectivesGotteslob Mit 200 Watt (EP)
YearNordan, GeneDrinking Wine in the Summertime
YearNovakAlpine Assignment (EP)
YearNowlan, JanisSingin' It for You (And Playin' a Little Too)
YearOakland Youth OrchestraThe Black Composer in America
YearObey, Chief Commander Ebenezer / Inter-ReformersInter-Reformers a Tunde
YearOche, Ray Stephen / and his MatumboInterpretation of the Original Rhythm
YearOdum, ChuckEasy to Love
YearOfen, GottfriedMägde, die im Kornfeld Liegen
YearOgyatanaa Show BandAfrican Fire
YearOhio Penitentiary 511 Jazz EnsembleHard Luck Soul
YearOlifantDouce Dames, Gentils Galants
YearOmnia OperaThe Early Tapes (MC)
YearOmowura, Ayinla and his Apala GroupIre Wole de (Owo Udoji)
YearOne Plays / Other WithOne Plays / Other With
YearOrchestre Les Diables Du RythmeVolume 2
YearOrchestre Super BobotoOrchestre Super Boboto
YearOrchestre Tany TurensTop Instrumental Music
YearOrdinary, TheThe Ordinary
YearOrient-ExpressCocktail Molotov (MC)
YearOriginal Shleu-ShleuOriginal Shleu-Shleu Soul
YearOriginal WingsChange This World
YearOrkes Melayu Irama Seni / Cholid BabselKawin Paksa
YearOrkes Melayu OmegaWanita Dan Bunga
YearOrkezta De Los 13 Zalbajez, LaLa Orkezta De Los 13 Zalbajez
YearOrquesta America del 55Yo No Quiero Bailar
YearOrquesta Aragon¡Con Mucho Sabor!
YearOrquesta BoricuaOrquesta Boricua
YearOrquesta BorinqueyaRompiendo Barreras
YearOrquesta CasinoRosabel
YearOrquesta Casino Riverside / Victor Perez..A Gozar!!
YearOrquesta La ModernaOrquesta La Moderna
YearOrquesta La Moderna of New YorkOrquesta La Moderna of New York
YearOrquesta La PlayaLa Pulga y El Perro
YearOrquesta PanamericanaOrquesta Panamericana
YearOrquesta PanamericanaOrquesta Panamericana, Volumen 2
YearOrtega, A. PaulTwo Worlds
YearOrtiz, JoseTrullando en Puerto Rico
YearOrtiz, Luis 'Lija'No Me Persigas
YearOutlawBar-Wars (Live at the Lounge)
YearOvertures, TheLive!
YearOwens, Charles / Mother LodeI Stand Alone
YearPalame, Emil / Big BandMake Room!
YearPalmieri, CharlieEl Gigante (aka Ravel's Bolero in Mambo)
YearPalonen, LeenaI Still Love You
YearPalumbo, SanteJazz Promotion
YearPanbersSound 2 (Mengapa & Begini)
YearPapa JoeWelcome To La.
YearPapapetropoulos, PeriklhsThe Greek Folk Instruments Vol 9: Bouzouki - Tzouras - Baglamas
YearPar Accidente!Par Accidente! (MC)
YearParco NordParco Nord (MC)
YearParrish & Gurvitz / BandThe Parrish & Gurvitz Band (2CD)
YearPat's PeopleSilver Rains Afar
YearPaterlini, C.A. / Orchestra alla Fisarmonica VanesBallate con Noi
YearPatterson, Mario y Su Orquesta OrientalMario Patterson y Su Orquesta Oriental
YearPatzer, PeterPatterns
YearPatzer, PeterStraight Line
YearPaulin, DonTime Tuner
YearPauta, Luis W. y Su Saxo RomanticoNew York New York
YearPax QuartetMerveilles
YearPdey Muiy JivitPdey Muiy Jivit
YearPeace, TheBlack Power
YearPearson, LeslieHarpsichord (Bruton BRC 02)
YearPedersen, GuyBass + Bass + Bass
YearPeiffer, BernardApresentando o Trio
YearPellegrini, EnnioBolle Nell'Aria
YearPenck, A.R.Concert Köln + Dresden
YearPenseerienBal Breton
YearPerdriole (La)Musique Traditionnelle
YearPerez, Luis y Su OrquestaMerengues Instrumentales
YearPerez, Luis y Su OrquestaMerengues y Mangulinas Instrumentales
YearPerian, David / Alberto BaldanHappy and Crazy Music
YearPerna, Victor L. & His ComboThe Sound of Today
YearPetit, Jean-Claude / Jack ArelDance and Mood Music, Vol. 6
YearPhakee,Trai/ Ngeo Doen Tapp, Tree Leela, Awk PhasaTrai Phakee, Ngeo Doen Tapp, Tree Leela, Awk Phasa
YearPhilippopolis Folk GroupOriginal Bulgarian Instrumental Music
YearPiazzolla, Astor y Su QuintetoEn Vivo en el Regina
YearPicou, Ted / QuartetExperience
YearPierce, ConradConrad Pierce
YearPierre, Michel et AlainMichel et Alain Pierre
YearPionier SeriösBerlin (MC)
YearPiot, PaulDance and Mood Music, Vol. 4: Typiques, Baroques et Autres...
YearPlastic CrimewaveGradually Darkens (CDR)
YearPleasant StreetPleasant Street (EP)
YearPolar Five, The18 Cha-Cha, Vol. 2
YearPop Drive LtdThat's Life
YearPowell, BadenFace au Public
YearPöyry, KariMy Star (EP)
YearPozar, CleveSolo Percussion
YearPrado, Pantaleón PérezCha Cha Cha (EP)
YearPredecimals, TheYou Do The Math, Waynard
YearPriory ParkTry for the Sun
YearProloogDe Klucht Van Pierlaia
YearPropositions, TheFunky Disposition
YearPSAll We Can Do (EP)
YearPsychic TVSouthern Comfort (MC)
YearPunaiset DelffiinitJoulunaario
YearQuerevalú, AlexandroSpiritual
YearQuian, Ramon (Monguito) y Su Conjunto de EstrellasMonguito el Unico!!
YearQuintaineLa Legende De Reaumur
YearQuintet De SadeQuintet De Sade
CountryRababAkher Karari
YearRadio Piece IIIFinale
YearRai, VasantEvening Ragas
YearRai, Vasant & Alla RakhaSplendour of the Sarod
YearRainbirdMaiden Flight
YearRamirez, LouieSalsa Na' Ma (aka Louie Ramirez Y Su Orquesta)
YearRancid PoultryMusicide (MC)
YearRancid PoultryQaotic Pestilence (MC)
YearRay + The Daydreamers1st Annual Daydream
YearRecchion, TomFreak Show (MC)
YearRechter, YoniJust Now (Round About Now)
YearRed WitchThe Red Album
YearRegenbogenAuf Meinem Weg
YearRhythmic Sound, TheThe Rhythmic Sound
YearRidlen, Mark and Brian PetermanSpoth
YearRiga RagaMusica Nostra
YearRivera, Maso / Paquito CartagenaFolklore de Puerto Rico
YearRivera, Ruben and His OrchestraEl Señor del Sabor
YearRoach OmUniversal Expressions
YearRobert, Jean-Jacques & Jean-Michel GuiseDelirius Music
YearRobert, Marie-ClaudeSupranatural
YearRoberts, Rocky & Les AiredalesMonkey, Bird & Riviera
YearRock RoyaleY'Untah (EP)
YearRocke, Randall R.The Song Is Love
YearRocket MotorsBack to the Motor!
YearRocket MotorsMisirlou (EP)
YearRodi, GeorgesElectronic Sounds
YearRodríguez, Mickey / Nilsa M Romero / Merari CastroHistoria Cantada de un Ex-Adicto a Drogas
YearRoger RogerSuccès d'Hier et d'Aujourd'hui (EP)
YearRoger RogerMood Music Vol. 1
YearRoger RogerMood Music Vol. 24
YearRoger RogerMood Music Vol. 9
YearRoger RogerMusique des Îles
YearRoger RogerMéditerranée
YearRoger RogerPanorama Europeen
YearRoger RogerDrama and Suspense
YearRoger RogerMerry and Sad
YearRollies, BonnyBonny Rollies
YearRollkommandoRollkommando (MC)
YearRoosterRiot (EP)
YearRosewoodKent, Phil & Doug
YearRössler / Goos Band feat. Hal GalperRössler / Goos Band
YearRota, AlbertoUomo
invCountryRöyhkä, KaukoAamuöiseen Sateeseen
YearRude 662 v 1
YearRunzelstirn & GurgelstockBei Abwesenheit Jeglicher Genussempfindungen
YearRunzelstirn & Gurgelstock / Merzbow / Due ProcessJe Rumpelsturz Desto Burzelblock
YearRuthannaHe Loves You, Ruthanna
YearSalvador, SalSal Salvador Quartet (Jazz Unlimited)
YearSanchez Acosta, Dr. Manuel and his AmigosMerengue Time (aka Festival de Merengue)
YearSander, Peter & Derrick MasonTechnical Standpoint - Spice of Life
YearSaner, AdnanSunar
YearSantiago. Ismael con Su SinfoniaDanzas y Otros Ritmos Tipicos
YearSantorio, SylvanoPop Guitar Sketches N.2
YearSantos, Hector y Su OrquestaEl Censo
YearSantos, Primitivo y Su ComboHerimpoke
YearSanyal, AmbaRitual Vocals of India
YearSauvage, CamilleFantasmagories
YearSBOTHI (Swimming Behaviour of the Human Infant)1/2 (MC) (EP)
YearSchmutz, BarbaraCrystal
YearSchrader, StefanSynbild (MC)
YearSchwarz, Jean / Beetz / LejeuneDes Musiques, Des Sons
YearSciortino, PatriceImaginations aux Grandes Orgues
YearSciortino, PatricePercupulsions, Volume 1
YearScoen (Enzo Scoppa)Ecologia
YearSecond Coming (Norm Stratton)Blue Chip
YearSecretsOf the Universe
YearSeffer, Yochk'o /S. Kessler /F. Mechali /P. GritzMonk For Ever
YearSelfserved, TheFaint Reflections (EP)
YearSenthaclos4 Mars
YearSeoud, Hassan AbouShik Shak Shok
YearSerighelli, IndiaBio Feed Back
YearSerrpierreEn ballade ...
YearServants, TheIntroducing The Servants
YearSethuraman and PonnusamyNadaswaram - Tamil Melodies As Sweet As Honey ('Tamizh Then Isai')
YearSevered Head in a BagSevered Head in a Bag (CDR)
YearShad, Bobby and the Bad MenBobby Shad and the Bad Men
YearShajarian, Mohammad RezaBahariyeh
YearShajarian, Mohammad Reza & Ava GroupThe Beloved
YearShankar, UdayHindu Dancers and Musicians
YearShaver, NormPortrait
YearShimamoto, NariyukiPrelude To....
YearShit Spangled Banner, The....Wash With America Come
YearSibarity SolntsetsvetovDayte Miru Shans, Chuvaki!
YearSiglo IIN.E.
YearSigma Five, ThePuttin' on the Style
YearSilva, Lucho / Los GatosLucho Silva y Los Gatos
YearSing, Brian and PualBrian A.T And Paul F.C Sing
YearSkin Side OutSkin Side Out (EP)
YearSklair, Sam / Gus GalbraithThe Micro Chip Revolution
YearSleaze ArtSleaze Art (MC)
YearSmith, Hubert and the Coral IslandersWe Three - Bermuda is Another World
YearSmith, MichaelFaces
YearSolano, RafaelCanta la Musica de Rafael Solano
YearSolano, Rafael y Su OrquestaA Bailar La Mangulina
YearSolidarity Unit (Charles 'Bobo' Shaw)Red, Black, and Green
YearSosa, Remy y La Nueva OndaVen y Abrazame...
YearSound Factory Inc.Airport International
YearSounds of the SonSounds of the Son
YearSpawnteyouweus EggsprescyoneIt is Thee Nature of Things that Our Meditation Unveils
YearSpectrumFirst Flight
YearSpeelmann's DagSpeelmann's Dag
YearSpitaleri, DavideThor
YearSprung Aus Den WolkenYou Lucky Star (One Big Family) (MC)
YearSS-20Son of Fantasy
YearSt. Tropez Jazz OctetJazz Goes Swinging
YearSteaming CoilsNever Were (MC)
YearStefano, Al / TrioCha Cha Favorites
YearStevens, MarkThoughts of Mark Stevens
YearStewart, KeithTake Me Back to Jamaica
YearStichting RuimteFollow Mod Compositions (MC)
YearStick In The MudJust An Old Man Hiding Under An Autumn Leaf
YearStolz, NorbertSome Tracks Before... (MC)
YearStrange Fruit AbikuSin Eaters Picnic (EP)
YearStrange ProjectSome Bizarre (MC)
YearStrings 'N ThingsBoth Sides
YearStubbsIdyll Party (MC)
YearSturgis, JimSunrun
YearSuarez, Gil and His Hi-LatinsEl Tramposo
YearSubvert BlazeSubvert Art
YearSufi Mind GameSufi Mind Game (aka Complete Metamorphosis) (MC)
YearSultan, Juma / Aboriginal Music SocietyWhispers from the Archive
YearSumanti, Vivi & Dudy IskandarVivi Sumanti & Dudy Iskandar
YearSuomalainen, SauliKyll' On Mummot Muuttuneet
YearSupercombo 1¡Saaallsa!
YearSurkursaalUnion (MC)
YearSwab Sound HorrorAnts Irrit Dy Um (MC)
YearSwab Sound Horror / Kapotte MuziekMormorare (MC)
invCountrySWAPO Singers, TheOne Namibia One Nation (SWAPO Freedom Songs)
YearSweet AirFrom the Felicity Facility
YearSweet InspirationsLife Affair Trust Music IV (MC)
YearSympathy NervousNo More Expo (MC)
YearSzeremeta, RyszardBackground Musik
YearT.L.A.W.C. (MC)
YearTafiateurs, LesLes Tafiateurs
YearTaïra, YoshihisaStratus- Sublimation- Maya- Hiérophonie IV
YearTall, Cheikh / Idrissa DiopeOrchestre Cheikh Tall et Idrissa Diope
YearTamaškovic, Luboš / Igor JancárCrystal Water
YearTangramLieder für 2 Gitarren, Flöte, Baß und Gesang
YearTarnished MorningDeliverance
YearTaylor, Gloria Ann / Walter Whisenhunt OrchestraDeep Inside You (EP)
YearTender TouchJust the Basics
YearTerrace, RayHome of Boogaloo
YearTest CompanyHide Away the Toy
YearTete a l'Envers et Ses Malentendus, LaFromages et Autres (MC)
YearThat's WhyVol. 2
YearThiam, AbdoulayeOrchestre Laye Thiam
YearThird World Steel OrchestraNice 'N' Sweet, Volume 2
YearThomas, PeterSound Music Album 6
YearThompson, KenLife Forces (MC)
YearThomsett, RobHara
YearThoraval, GillesPour Vous Qui M'Ecoutez
YearThra Ka (Drakkar)Thra Ka
YearThree Stars, TheMe Ko Ama Obi Aba
YearTierra De GraciaVol.3 'Despertad Sucrenses'
YearTime of CommotionLive from the '70s - Es Ist Nie Zu Spät
invCountryTipi and SimonPaumotu Style in Tahiti: Tipi and Simon at the Princess Heiata
YearTo Get Her TogetherTo Get Her Together (EP)
YearToadRarities (aka Behind the Wheels)
YearTom and JoannaLiving It Up
YearTorossi, StefanoQualche Tema Lungo
YearTorres, Pepito y su Orquesta SiboneyAt the Fiesta Room
YearTorres, Pepito y su Orquesta SiboneyCita a las Ocho
YearTorres, Pepito y su Orquesta SiboneyQue Siga la Fiesta
YearTorres, Pepito y su Orquesta SiboneyVamos a Bailar
YearTorres, Pepito y su Orquesta SiboneyVamos a Bailar con Pepito Torres
YearTorruellas, Angel Luis / Pleneros de BorinquenAngel Luis Torruellas y Su Conjunto Pleneros de Borinquen
YearTouchTouch (EP)
YearTourlandryL'Instant qui Tourne
YearTransrubiconDer Tanzer und Frau Maier
YearTregger, Yan / Pierre DeveveyTiming N.3
YearTriangulum (V. Cavini)Mut Zum Leben
YearTrio in ClassicOuvertüren
YearTrio JuventudSerenata Boricua
YearTrio La RosaCuando Sali de Cuba
YearTrio Los Nicaros / Trio Xolotlan / Alfonso FloresViva Santo Domingo, Album de Sones Nicaraguenses del Folklore Nacional
YearTrio ReynosoEl Ultimo De Los Reynosos
YearTrio VegabajeñoNuevos Cantares de Navidad
YearTrio Vegabajeño / Various ArtistsCantares de Navidad
YearTristan, JeanJe Dois Ne Pas Me Taire
YearTT AsimoveOne Space for a Time
YearTTTLive in Dublin
YearTTT / A.R. PenckAspects of the NY.NY.NY. Situation
YearTTT / A.R. PenckButch in Hackney
YearTTT / Billy BangLondon Underground with Billi
YearTwo Feather, WilliamRed Earth Dänz
YearUmiliani, PieroGuerre et Destruction 1
YearUmiliani, PieroGuerre et Destruction 2
YearUmiliani, PieroL'Uomo Nello Spazio
YearUmiliani, PieroMusica Dell'era Tecnologica
YearUmiliani, Piero (Zalla)Paesaggi
YearUnknown ArtistIntimate Disco - Album 8
YearUnkommuniti (Uncommunity)Ex-Oblivione (MC)
YearUnlimited Freak Out Or DieCassettetape Superstar
YearUrgaUr Ka os F ods A lit in G
YearVali, Gus and His GroupBelly Dance! 16 Favorites Plus How-To Instructions
YearValle, Joe / César Concepción OrchestraPlenas
YearValle, Joe / César Concepción OrchestraPlenas Favoritas
YearVance Clayton Trio, TheWe Believe in Music (EP)
YearVandroogenbroeck, JoelSouth East Asia
YearVandroogenbroeck, JoelCalifornia: Industrial & Scenic Moods
YearVanhaa & UuttaVanhaa & Uutta
YearVarious Artists1970s Algerian Proto-Rai Underground
YearVarious ArtistsMusiques de L'Asie Traditionnelle, Vol. 6 - Borneo
YearVarious ArtistsRadio Phnom Penh
YearVarious ArtistsCambodian Cassette Archives - Khmer Folk and Pop Music Vol. 1
YearVarious ArtistsFiesta Santera - Toques y Cantos Santero Lucumi
YearVarious ArtistsA Perfumed Garden Vol. 2 (1965-1969)
YearVarious ArtistsRubble Vol. 18 - Rainbow Thyme Wynders
YearVarious ArtistsRubble Vol. 19 - Eiderdown Mindfog
YearVarious ArtistsJazz Liisa Bonus (Jazz Liisa 01-09 bonus LP)
YearVarious ArtistsMusic Around the World / Musique Autour du Monde, vol.1
YearVarious ArtistsCall of Cthulhu (MC)
YearVarious ArtistsMade in Leverkusen
YearVarious ArtistsLove And Peace
YearVarious ArtistsMusique Sans Paroles
YearVarious ArtistsTraditional Persian Music
YearVarious ArtistsTrojan 12'' Box Set
YearVarious ArtistsTrojan Dub Box Set
YearVarious ArtistsUhuru: Real Jamaican Music
YearVarious ArtistsLa Musica Tapes, Vol. 3
YearVarious ArtistsEthnic Minority Music of Southern Laos
YearVarious ArtistsBeat Express Volume 13
YearVarious ArtistsThe Roots of Chicha - Psychedelic Cumbias from Peru (196?-197?)
YearVarious ArtistsSenegal 70 - Sonic Gems & Previously Unreleased Recordings from the 70s
YearVarious ArtistsMolam Thai Country Groove From Isan (197?-198?)
YearVarious ArtistsAcid Visions - Complete Collection, Vol. 1
YearVarious ArtistsAcid Visions - Complete Collection, Vol. 2
YearVarious ArtistsAcid Visions - Complete Collection, Vol. 3
YearVarious ArtistsPsychedelic Disaster Whirl
YearVarious ArtistsRealistic Patterns - Orchestrated Psychedelia from the USA
YearVarious ArtistsThe Psychedelic Experience, Vol. 1
YearVarious ArtistsThe Psychedelic Experience, Vol. 2
YearVarious ArtistsThe Psychedelic Experience, Vol. 3
YearVarious ArtistsThe Psychedelic Experience, Vol. 4
YearVarious ArtistsYa Gotta Have Moxie, Vol. 1
YearVarious ArtistsYou Gotta Have Moxie, Vol. 2
YearVarious ArtistsJames Brown's Funky People, Part 1
YearVarious ArtistsJames Brown's Funky People, Part 2
YearVarious ArtistsJames Brown's Funky People, Part 3
YearVarious ArtistsThe First Days of Funk, Vol. 1
YearVarious ArtistsThe First Days of Funk, Vol. 2
YearVarious ArtistsA Heavy Dose of Lyte Psych
YearVarious ArtistsBoulders, Vol. 1
YearVarious ArtistsBoulders, Vol. 10
YearVarious ArtistsBoulders, Vol. 11
YearVarious ArtistsBoulders, Vol. 2
YearVarious ArtistsBoulders, Vol. 3
YearVarious ArtistsBoulders, Vol. 4
YearVarious ArtistsBoulders, Vol. 5
YearVarious ArtistsBoulders, Vol. 6
YearVarious ArtistsBoulders, Vol. 7
YearVarious ArtistsBoulders, Vol. 8
YearVarious ArtistsBoulders, Vol. 9
YearVarious ArtistsEchoes in Time, Vol. 1
YearVarious ArtistsEchoes in Time, Vol. 2
YearVarious ArtistsAfrican Scream Contest
YearVarious ArtistsContemporary Group, Volume 1
YearVarious ArtistsKeb Darge's Legendary Deep Funk Vol. 1
YearVarious ArtistsKeb Darge's Legendary Deep Funk Vol. 2
YearVarious ArtistsKeb Darge's Legendary Deep Funk Vol. 3
YearVarious ArtistsLatinamericarpet: Exploring the Vinyl Warp of Latin American Psych, Vol.1
YearVarious ArtistsLove's a Real Thing - The Funky Fuzzy Sounds of West Africa
YearVarious ArtistsMusic for Dancefloors: Cream of the Bosworth Library Sessions
YearVarious ArtistsMusic for Dancefloors: Cream of the Chappell Sessions
YearVarious ArtistsMusic for Dancefloors: Cream of the KPM Music Green Label Sessions
YearVarious ArtistsPop Electronique: Progressive Selection of Unreleased Science Fiction Tunes
YearVarious ArtistsWaking Up Scheherazade - Arabian Garage Psych Nuggets...
YearVarious ArtistsOne for Bangkok (MC)
YearVarious ArtistsUn Destin Si Funeste (MC)
YearVarious ArtistsHarbor of Joy: A Tribute To Camel
YearVarious ArtistsHigh All the Time Vol. 1
YearVarious ArtistsLet The Pigeons In
YearVarious Artists (Unnamed Artists)Persuasive Jazz, Vol. 1 (Ebonite)
YearVarious Artists (Unnamed Artists)Persuasive Jazz, Vol. 3 (Ebonite)
YearVasquez, Ñiñi / Sus Alegres DominicanosCompadre Pedro Juan
YearVeazey. TerryJesus Keeps Me Singing!
YearVega, JuniorImages in Music
YearVikings, TheAfrican Songs
YearVillage Choir, TheStreet Opera with a Blues Waltz
YearVolumeVolume (EP)
YearVugts, YntseMachine Talk 1-4 (MC)
YearVuoppola, TimoBalance (EP)
YearWada, HiroshiBlue Zone (MC)
YearWade, RandyThe Only Known Recordings Of...
YearWahre Kunst, DieTanzlos (MC)
YearWallace, ScottHomemade Record (Acetate)
YearWarmth (1)Outside
YearWarmth (1)Warmth II (aka Cooper House)
YearWarner, Eddie / Georges TeperinoStrictly Rhythmical / Rhythmical Melodies
YearWary, CecilWorld News
YearWatanabe, KazumiOoka Ranman
YearWate, JoaoMocambique Terra Amada
YearWe All / Pater Gerhard PaulSchattenspiele
YearWee PeopleThis Thing We Do (EP)
YearWeris, HugoDessert (MC)
YearWeris, HugoNouvelle Recette (MC)
YearWhite RockWhite Rock
YearWiese, KlausBaraka
YearWiese, KlausKalengra (MC)
YearWiese, KlausSabiha Sabiya (MC)
YearWiese, KlausSamarkand
YearWiese, KlausUranus
YearWiley PostTake Me Down Easy
YearWilson, Gary / TrioAnother Galaxy
YearWilson, MorrisFantasy Island
YearWIRL Steel BandThe Music of the Caribbean
YearWit, Harry DeSonus Lux / Heaven's Gate
YearWölpl, PeterMr. Fudge Speaks
YearYa Ho Wa 13Related Singles
YearYa Ho Wa 13Unreleased Materials
YearYoung, EldeeLive!
YearYour Exotic PrinceLove Music That Is In You
YearYour Exotic PrinceSpeak Up
YearZ.D.L.Deutsch Beat 1 & 2 (MC)
YearZaïko Langa Langa / Familia DeiCessez le Feu
YearZanzibar's TwistNever Mind the Bollocks (MC)
YearZappatta SchmidtIt's Gonna Get You
YearZeise, UliWintermärchenzeit